6/8/09… Drop or Tear

Had my checkup with Dr. Opth today and everything looks good. He checked my tear duct(s?) and couldn’t find any blockage that would account for my eye getting watery. He seems to think this is a good thing since I’d have to be using drops a lot otherwise.

I have noticed that my eye waters more first thing in the morning or when my eyes are overused or tired … which is often lately. We’ll see what my eye does once I can get back to sleeping more regular hours. Of course, my sleep is rarely uninterrupted because I happen to have a “morning” cat who doesn’t like to sleep after sunrise! It’s really the question of whether or not I’ll actually fall back to sleep once he wakes me up or if I’m just keeping my eyes closed because they need the rest (while trying to fake my cat into thinking I’m still asleep as he runs back and forth over me in bed!)

The appointments are stretching out! My next appointment  with Dr. Opth isn’t until September.