6/5/08 … A Red Eye

I first realized something was wrong when the outside half of my left eye was red more often than not. Since I wear contact lenses and am on the computer a lot for my work, at first I thought it was related to that. Not to mention that most of this year I’ve noticed that my eyes felt really dry most days. I also started noticing that, even without my contacts in, my left eye felt irritated late in the day when my eyes were tired from reading or the computer.

Now, when I’m talking about a red eye I’m talking about more than just a Visine moment. Picture the white on both sides of your iris. Now picture that white half on the whole outside (nearest your ear) part of your eye is really red … like blood red. Yeah, not an attractive look! I’ve actually seen a couple of people with that look in the past and wondered what could cause that much red. I eventually found out what caused mine.

What’s This Blog About?

I’m writing this blog to take you through the events of my discovery that I have conjunctival melanoma (a rare cancer on the eyeball) and the experiences I have had dealing with it. Therefore, the posts will be sporadic as things unfold. The most recent post will always be right below this announcement. If you haven’t been keeping up, it’ll be easier to go to the Archives on the left and work your way up through the months. Please feel free to comment!